39 Main St Northport, NY 11768
LOCAL: (631) 757-6688

Anniversary Flowers
Adore You Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Adore You
Vase Arrangement
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Anniversary Flowers Designer's Choice in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Anniversary Flowers
Designer's Choice
Anniversary flowers are the best flowers! Our designers are ready to help you give the sweetest gift to your special someone. Allow us to create a stunning, romantic arrangement that will have them falling for you all over again! Just add a touch of love, and you’ll be ready for another amazing anniversary.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Magical Times Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Magical Times
Vase Arrangement
Gorgeous "Magical Times" variegated roses with pink Calla lilies, antique hydrangea, anemones and lavender sweet peas in a lush bed of textured greens. **Please see our ADD-ON section for our luxurious line of skin care products.**
Shown at $150.00
Shown at $150.00
Make Someone Smile Vase arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Make Someone Smile
Vase arrangement
Bright and colorful spring assortment of pinks lavenders, greens and blush tones.A happy arrangement to certainly brighten someones day !
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Blushing Palette Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Blushing Palette
Vase Arrangement
Delicate and lovely blush palette of spring blooms. Depending on availability may include anemone, roses, ranunculus, lisianthus, hydrangea with lush greenery. **Please see our ADD-ON section for our luxurious line of skin care products.**
Shown at $125.00
Shown at $125.00
Amore  in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
A mix of pinks and reds gerbera daisies,tulips,roses and mini green hydrangea in a cylinder vase
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Anniversary Bouquet Designer's Choice in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Anniversary Bouquet
Designer's Choice
Give them all your love this year with a beautifully-designed flower arrangement! We know just how to make them feel special with awe-inspiring flowers that are romantically arranged in a marvelous bouquet. They deserve something wonderful. Send our Premium Designer’s Choice Anniversary arrangement today!
Shown at $110.00
Shown at $110.00
Soft Pink Dozen Rose Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Soft Pink Dozen
Rose Arrangement
This bouquet is full of beauty and grace! Filled with beautiful light pink roses and lively greenery, Soft Pink Dozen is a timeless mix that will be an instant hit. Delicate and delightful, this sweet dozen will be the highlight of any occasion!
Striking Scarlet Bouquet in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Striking Scarlet
This magnificent arrangement is sure to dazzle! Featuring exquisite red tulips, purple stock, red spray roses, and more, Striking Scarlet is full of passion and love. Surprise the one you love with this eye-catching bouquet!
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Lavender Love Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Lavender Love
Vase Arrangement
Vase arrangement consisting of an array of purple and white seasonal blooms
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Timeless Style Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Timeless Style
Vase Arrangement
Full of elegance and grace, this stunning bouquet will never go out of style! The gorgeous blush roses and succulents create a marvelous picture, perfect for any occasion. Make the most of your next occasion with the Timeless Style arrangement!
Hope & Happiness Vase arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Hope & Happiness
Vase arrangement
Two toned roses , Vibrant hot pink gerbera daisies accented with delicate waxflower.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Hot Lady 1 Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Hot Lady 1
Vase Arrangement
Vase arrangement with colorful calla lilies with yellow and hot pink roses.
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Two Dozen Pink Roses Vase Arrangement  in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Two Dozen Pink Roses
Vase Arrangement
Show your appreciation with elegance when you send your love two dozen pink roses! this beautiful arrangement is a grandiose gesture they won't ever forget. Show them just how much you love them with this stunning design today!
Shown at $250.00
Shown at $250.00
Guilty Pleasure Dozen Roses in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Guilty Pleasure
Dozen Roses
Indulge your loved one with something truly special on this day filled with love! The radiant red roses mix with the decadent baby blue eucalyptus to create a truly drop-dead gorgeous bouquet. Elegant and divine, you won't feel guilty about this pleasure!
Shown at $135.00
Shown at $135.00
STARTS IN THE HEART Flower Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Flower Arrangement
It's never been easier to say what's in your heart! With amazing Stargazer lilies, red roses, and white stock, Starts with the Heart embodies the love and emotion you feel for that special someone. They'll feel loved when they receive this stunning bouquet!
Shown at $110.00
Shown at $110.00
Two Dozen Red Roses Vase Arrangement  in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Two Dozen Red Roses
Vase Arrangement
Take the romance to another level with Two Dozen Red Roses! This grand bouquet is overflowing with those gorgeous traditional flowers that everyone loves. You'll have them spinning head over heels when you send this beautiful arrangement!
Shown at $275.00
Shown at $275.00
Be Lovable Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Be Lovable
Bright, fiery blooms of hot pink gerberas, hot pink garden roses, mini orange spray roses, and purple tulips create a bubble of happiness. Send these fresh flowers to those you love this spring!
Shown at $85.00
Energetic Roses Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Energetic Roses
This vibrant bouquet is sure to liven up their day! The striking mix of brightly colored roses pairs beautifully with the green button poms and hot pink calycina, making Energetic Roses a bouquet full of color. Send the ones you love this fiery bouquet today!
Shown at $110.00
Shown at $110.00
Pink Explosion Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Pink Explosion
Vase Arrangement
Make an unforgettable declaration of love with this striking bouquet! With vibrant pink roses, gerberas, Stargazer lilies, and Snapdragons, this arrangement is truly an explosion of love. Radiant and glamorous, Pink Explosion is sure to make them fall in love with you all over again!
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Hot Lady 2 Vase Arrangement in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Hot Lady 2
Vase Arrangement
Vase arrangement with pink calla lilies as well as red and pink roses.
Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
Unconditionally Bouquet in Northport, NY | Hengstenberg's Florist
Show your unconditional love with this stunning bouquet! With pink lilies, hot pink roses, pink gerberas, and antique green hydrangea, Unconditionally is full of class, grace, and love. Send someone you love this special gift and make this their day even better.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Buy Now
Roses have always been the traditional way to say "I love you," and what better time to say those special words than on your anniversary? Hengstenberg's Florist in Northport can help you send roses, or any other anniversary flowers you think your sweetie would like. We want to help you make the most of your gift, tell us all about your significant other and we can create something one-of-a-kind, just for them! Forget an anniversary? Let us help you get out of the doghouse with a bouquet of her favorite blooms!